new lockdown

Our Services Under The New Lockdown – still open

We are still open

We remain open following the Government’s announcement of a new lockdown starting on Thursday 5 November.

We understand that this is permitted because medical services are exempt. We will not be offering any appointments for cosmetic purposes. This would be against the rules and unfair to those non-medical businesses which have to close.

We also understand that you can leave your home for an appointment for “medical reasons”.

All of our main services remain available as these are all based on medical need. This includes:

  • Toenail cutting for those unable to do this themselves
  • Ingrown toenail management
  • Verrucas
  • Corns and calluses
  • etc.

What happens if things change?

We will be following development of the rules and announcements closely as well as consulting with the Fairlands and Normandy surgeries.

The Government is going to publish and set out in law a full list of businesses which have to close.

If there is any change in our opening, we will update this web-site and our Facebook page.

Please be assured that we continue to take all Covid-19 precautions. You can find details of these here:

Where can I find out more about the new lockdown?

HM Government rules (

BBC explainer (